When you get on the site for first time it will show results from a randomly selected large museum in the world (just to get you started)
Start typing the name of a famous artists in the "Artist" box, or click on "List All" to see them all on a clickable list.
You can filter your search on:
You can combine any of these filters to narrow down a selection of your interest.
Click the "X" in the text box to clear the filter
The collection of works matching your criteria are displayed as a list of thumbnails and on a timeline
You can see a larger version of the work by clicking on the thumbnail, or show a larger version of all the search results as a slideshow by clicking on the play button
"Top three of artist" - Displays the three most famous pieces for an artist
"Top 25 artists" - Displays art from the 25 most famous artists
"Top 50 works" - Displays the 50 most famous works of all time